Trustful Hands



Exhibition views, On The Lookout, CAB Foundation, Brussels, Belgium

Trustful Hands, 2022
Ambient light, wood, gesso, fluorescent pigment
and interferent paint.

Dimensions variable

The series Trustful Hands are part of a protocol of trust between the artist and the person who presents them. They are composed of a minimum of two different iridescent surfaces, which are extremely similar and must be arranged in such a way as to reveal the extent of their different colors and textures from the same point of view - or in different spaces. Based on a formal simplicity, these iridescent surfaces create transitory spaces that welcome the changes induced, in time, by the surrounding light.

For this site specific installation, the white of the walls is enhanced with fluorescent pigment. Thus her oeuvre highlights the portion of the space reflecting the most zenithal light, while her interferent colors vary constantly before the eyes of the visitor who can contemplate this space of infinite perception. The position of the sun is of the utmost importance, implying a relation to celestial mechanics.

Photos : Silvia Cappellari (1-3), Eva Gottesman (5) and Lola Pertowsky (6-7)